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The Full Story

Hi there! Welcome to Evolve Finance! I believe it is important to understand why we are here today. This is our story and maybe you have experienced or know someone who has a similar one. Let's face it, managing our personal finances is a skill and it is difficult. Not only is it difficult to begin with, but the education system does not teach the skills or give the information to adequately prepare you for the lifelong journey of managing your own personal finances. Sure, information on this topic is available all over the internet but who do you trust and where do you start? You may be advised to get a financial advisor, but a financial advisor is incentivized to manage your investments and not to help teach and develop the skills necessary to build your assets, investments, and manage your money. Furthermore, you might not even get a conversation with them unless you have a certain dollar amount of assets. Plus, where and when is the right time to have a conversation about finances? Who do I start a conversation about finances within an environment that encourages us not to talk about finances? So, here is the gap we are faced with... a system that does not teach us the skills to manage our finances, the people who are supposed to help us with our money are incentivized to work with us only once we have reached a certain level of financial success, and an environment that is not inclusive to having conversations about finances. Where do we learn the skills, spend the time, and gain the knowledge to build our financial independence in the meantime? Evolve Finance is the solution. Our why is to bridge that gap. Our mission is to come along side you on your journey, at any point, to build your skills, be a resource of knowledge and help, and ultimately empower you to have full confidence in managing your personal finances.

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